Art Of Noise - The Seduction of Claude Debussy


A prerecorded MD, from ZTT records. Filed under date of original release.

The track titles on the disc are all caps, I have listed them here as mixed case.

This is also referenced as part of the ZTT discography here


  1. Il Pleure (At the Turn of the Century)
  2. Born on a Sunday
  3. Dreaming in Colour
  4. On Being Blue
  5. Continued in Colour
  6. Rapt: In the Evening Air
  7. Metaforce
  8. The Holy Egoism of Genius
  9. La flûte de Pan
  10. Metaphor on the Floor
  11. Approximate Mood Swing No:2
  12. Pause
  13. Out of This World (Version 138)

Disc Notes